Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Afternoon Conference Call

Tonights call went really well.  Thanks for everyone that was on!  I decided to have an afternoon one tomorrow for those that couldn't make it tonight.  Here is the information:

I've had a lot of people ask about the program that I am on to become healthy and lose weight so I've decided to have a conference call. I'll be going over the program in detail and answer the FAQs. If you'd like to listen in to see what it's all about here are the call in details:

When: Thursday, June 21st
Time: 12:30pm PT/1:30pm MT/2:30pm CT/3:30pm ET
Call in number: (605) 562-3000
Access Code: 414225#

To see my current photo click on the 'A New Me' tab at the top.  Thanks!  :)
Simply Pam